Find a psychiatrist can be a daunting task. We try to make that easier for you at Ficus Psych.
Read about our psychiatrists' training and backgrounds on the Our Team page of the website. Gregory Sayer MD specializes in child/adolescent and adult psychiatry. "Combined treatment" is a term used when a patient sees a psychiatrist for medication or consideration for medication and therapy while "split treatment" is a term used when a patient sees a psychiatrist for medication and a different clinician for psychotherapy. Some people worry that working with a psychiatrist means you will have to take medication or the doctor will focus primarily on medication. Experienced psychiatrists know that therapy alone can be sufficient in some cases and for some diagnoses, there is minimal evidence to support the use of medication. If medication is up for consideration, the decision to take medication would be a collaborative decision between patient and doctor after an informed consent conversation about the risks, benefits, and alternative options to consider.