Being frozen in thought can make for an iconic sculpture, but excessive thinking can make life difficult.
Thinking is a crucial part of mental wellbeing. Processing, perspective taking, and problem solving can take place while thinking mindfully.
If thinking has become excessive, paralyzing, obsessional, preoccupying, and interfering with life satisfaction, this could be a symptom of an anxiety disorder. Excessive thinking in multiple domains of life can raise concern for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Excessive thinking about social interactions can be a symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder. Worries about feeling nervous or scared can be a symptom of Panic Disorder. Intrusive thoughts that are excessive and unwelcomed can be a sign of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Intrusive memories of past trauma can be a sign of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. A psychiatry consultation can help determine if someone's thinking and overall clinical picture meets criteria for a specific disorder.
Psychotherapy and/or medication management are evidence-based approaches to helping with anxiety disorders.
At Ficus Psych, we work with those who struggle with obsessive, intrusive, and unhelpful thoughts.
We work with children, teens, and adults.
Dr. Sayer works with those in California and New York.
Felicia Huddleston works with those in California